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Food Insecurity in India


Food security is not easy considering the growing population and the increasing urbanization in India. As the global population is forecast to grow from the current 7 billion to 9 billion by 2050, there is a need for an increased food production of 70%.

In terms of economic impacts, food waste represents high waste management costs and money wasted so it is absolutely necessary that food waste source prevention strategies should be employed which focus on preventing food waste before it is created. The soil, water, native vegetation and oceans need to be sustainably managed so we can continue to produce food, improve our productivity and protect our environment.

Without adequate infrastructure to store and transport crops, enormous amounts of food are lost on the way from farms to consumers’ tables. It is estimated that, on average, 30 to 50 percent of the world's food is never consumed.

Food loss (Pre consumer stage) and waste (Post consumer stage) also amount to a major squandering of resources, including water, land, energy, labor and capital and needlessly produce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global warming and climate change.

Food Wastage in India:

Most of the food is wasted in parties where the quantity of food cooked is over estimated on most occasions and the left over or surplus food goes to the waste-bins in large quantities.

Big Indian weddings are another reason for food wastage as the left-over food in plates goes to waste when there is no channel to distribute it to the needy. The caterer needs to vacate the arty place overnight and therefore; much of the surplus food is thrown away in the bins.

Other culprits of food wastage are hotels, wholesalers, households and community centers.


Some strategies that can be employed are genetic modification, advanced agricultural chemicals and farm machinery. However, there is no comparable investment in reducing food waste.

  • Reduce

Source reduction means buying fewer quantities of any kind of processed or unprocessed food products that may end up into garbage.


Collection of the leftover food from sources and distributes among the hungry and poor.

  • Recycle/Compost

If the tested food is not suitable for human consumption, it can be send for composting.

Bio-waste does not land into landfill sites thus preventing environmental damage and improving agricultural output by improving soil.


· Helpline numbers

· Smartphone APP

· Website

· Information circulation through newspapers, posters, banners and pamphlets


· Costs can be saved on various fronts like labor, disposal and goods purchased. By increasing individual savings, food waste prevention contributes towards India’s GDP.

· Bio- waste: methane, which is more harmful than CO2, can be debarred from deteriorating the environment.

· Less of fuels for refrigeration, transportation purposes thus preserving the environment.

· Society awakening about the sensitive and unrealized issue of food wastage.

Personal Level activities: (Social Awareness)

  • Zero-waste kitchen concept at home

  • Freeze Your Food To Make It Last Longer

  • Plan out your meal and make your shopping list accordingly.

  • Buy in quantities you can realistically use.

  • Make finishing your plate a habit.

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